Handbook & Policies 2024-2025 (BOC/SOC/VOC)

Piedmont Music Academy (501c3) exists to meet the needs of home school students in the greater York County South Carolina area. Our purpose is to support home school families in the musical education of their children in a caring and creative environment. We emphasize Christian values that will foster thoughtfulness towards others, while encouraging high expectations for success through instruction that allows for individual differences and learning styles.

Considering this mission statement and because the historical beginnings of choral singing were found in the church, VOC will seek to glorify God in our singing of both sacred music and secular music.

** Whereas directors and instructors adhere to the above mission statement, PMA welcomes students and families of all beliefs. **

Dear Parents,

Thank you for enrolling your child(ren) in Piedmont Music Academy! We are very excited about our new year and look forward to working with your child in the fine art of music.

Please review the following Handbook and Policies with your child(ren) participating in the academy this year. The guidelines and rules are established by both PMA and Westminster Presbyterian Church (WPC), and will carry over to other venues where we make music.

To complete your child’s registration, please fill out the online Waiver and Release of Liability form that includes a Handbook acknowledgement statement. We want the very best for our students, families, and Piedmont Music Academy – let’s all work together to make this another great year!

Many thanks,

Piedmont Music Academy Staff

Our Classes


ELEMENTARY CHOIR 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.


HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR (Notables) 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.


UNAM 2:15 – 3:30 p.m.

HANDBELL CHOIR 1 – 2:15 p.m.

Beginning Band 11 – 12:15 p.m.
Intermediate Band 12:30 – 1:45 p.m.
Concert Band 2 – 3:15 p.m.
Symphonic Band 4 – 5:30 p.m.
Jazz Band 6 – 7:30 p.m. (select weeks)


Private String Lessons (Individually scheduled)
Intermediate Strings 3 – 3:50 p.m.
Chamber Strings 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.

Skills for Singers:

Primary Skills for Singing: 2:30 – 3:20 p.m.
Elementary Skills for Singing: 3:30 – 4:20 p.m.
Secondary Skills for Singing: 12 – 12:50 p.m.

Preparatory Theory I: 2 – 2:50 p.m.
Theory II: 2 – 2:50 p.m.
Advanced Theory: 3 – 3:50 p.m.

Theory I: 3:30 – 4:20 p.m.

Private Strings Lessons
Private Bass Lessons (Double Bass & Electric)
Private Piano Lessons

Rehearsal Basics

All students are expected to:

  • Be punctual for rehearsals. (“If you’re early you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late.”)
  • Attend all rehearsals and performances.
  • Maintain a disciplined practice schedule 3 – 5 days during the week outside of rehearsal days:
    • Beginners for 15-20 minutes per day
    • 2nd year students at least 30 minutes per day
    • 3rd year + students at least 45 minutes per day
  • Attend classes prepared, making sure to bring music, instruments, pencils, etc.
  • Listen to great recordings of music outside of PMA…all kinds!
  • Try to take private lessons outside of ensemble time so you can continue to sharpen your skills as a musician.

Behavior & Attendance

Students are expected to glorify God in all that they do, play, say or think. As musicians, often in the public eye, behavior should always be above reproach. Students must remember that they are representing God, Piedmont Music Academy and the homeschooling community at public performances.

Respect Those in Charge:

  • Please be respectful to the adults involved with Piedmont Music Academy…those that provide instruction and those that volunteer their time.
  • While in class refrain from talking/singing/making extra noises while the instructor is speaking or working with another student.
  • NO CELL PHONES OR ELECTRONIC DEVICES ARE TO BE USED DURING CLASS. Your instructor has the right to collect any devices being used during class. If this occurs, they will be returned at the end of class.
  • If there is frequent disruptive or disrespectful behavior during class, the instructor will speak with the student. If it continues, a parent will be notified.
  • If you need to be absent, please fill out the Absentee Form on the website. Give as much advance notice as possible to help our directors plan.
  • Sheet music may be handed out to students. Please take special care of all music and keep it in a folder or binder. It will be collected at the end of each semester. If lost, you will be responsible for purchasing replacement copies.

Respect Fellow PMA Members:

  • All students are made in the image and likeness of God. Respect your fellow classmates at PMA by speaking kindly to and about each other. Avoid gossiping or cutting down another person. Bullying, teasing, or mocking other students is unacceptable and will be addressed immediately.
  • No foul language or swearing.
  • Please use common-sense hygiene and avoid strong perfumes, aftershaves, body-sprays and colognes.
  • Keep your hands/feet to yourself – no tripping, pushing, or pestering. Students are to respect the rights and property of others including others’ personal space.
  • Any sexual misconduct or sexual harassment will not be tolerated and will result in immediate dismissal from Piedmont Music Academy.
  • Displays of physical affection are not allowed at PMA activities.
  • Students are never to use or touch instruments belonging to someone else. Such behavior could result in Mom or Dad receiving an expensive repair bill and possible removal from the group could occur. (i.e., Only percussionists are to play percussion instruments.)
  • Privately owned instruments are the responsibility of the individual student. (There is no insurance provided by PMA for lost, stolen or damaged equipment. If the equipment is to be covered, it must be through parents’ insurance.)
  • Rental instruments are also the responsibility of the individual student. Please be sure to read your rental contracts carefully and consider purchasing an insurance policy through the music company to cover the cost of repairs or loss if necessary.
  • Do your best to complete assignments and practice… greater progress is made if you put all of your efforts into the task and the entire group benefits from your efforts.
  • Students are expected to comply with the DRESS CODE at each PMA activity.

Dress Code:

  • Everyone (including family members of students) must be properly dressed at PMA activities. Midriff/cropped tops; t-shirts with inappropriate writing/pictures; undergarments that show; very short shorts and miniskirts; spaghetti straps; jeggins/leggings/yoga pants without the rear-end covered; tank tops; and low/plunging necklines are not permitted. Students will be dismissed from a practice or performance if wearing inappropriate clothing.
  • Please see the PMA website for Concert attire for the various ensembles.

Campus Rules:

  • Any and all activity outside on the Church grounds will be at your own risk.
  • Due to the high volume of students and the rapid change between classes, PMA teachers and staff must be focused on changing and resetting classes and materials in order to get ready for the next group. Their job is to control the classroom environment and cannot/will not be responsible for students once the class period is completed. Parents are ultimately in charge of their children and will be responsible for the care and oversight of the before and after class time.
  • Young children must be escorted to the bathrooms.

  • PMA members are only permitted to utilize the lower level of Westminster Hall on Thursdays.

Students are expected to adhere to the behavioral expectations as listed above and, additionally, to attend all practices and performances. We are a team and we will be weakened by the absence of any member! If a student is consistently tardy, absent or is a constant distraction during the rehearsal, it is possible that the student is not in PMA for the correct reason. PMA reserves the right (by vote of the Board) to remove any student from membership in the program due to a consistent pattern of disorderly behavior. It is in the best interest of all members that those preventing the group from excelling be removed from participation.

Nondiscriminatory Policy

Piedmont Music Academy Inc. admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship programs, and other school-administered programs.


Upon arrival for class, all band, string and choir students are to sign in with the parent volunteer taking attendance.


  • If it is necessary for a student to miss a rehearsal due to a family trip, doctor’s appointment, illness, emergency, etc, please fill out our online absentee form as soon as possible so our instructors can be notified.
  • Students missing more than TWO rehearsals within a concert period or missing a rehearsal prior to a performance may have their seating changed or be denied permission to perform. The Director has the right to exclude any student from performing in a concert if he or she misses the final week of rehearsal prior to the performance.
  • If an EMERGENCY situation or illness arises the day of a concert, please contact your Director by phone or email A.S.A.P. to discuss the situation.
  • If excessive absences take place, the Directors will confer with the parents to determine whether or not the program is suitable for the child.

MAKE-UP Lessons for Private Lessons:

  • Private Lesson instructors will offer ONE make-up lesson per semester. In order to receive that make-up lesson the instructor must be notified at least 24HRS in advance of the absence.


  • All students need to be picked up immediately following the end of rehearsals. Once class ends, the students are no longer under the supervision of our PMA staff as they are busy cleaning and locking up rehearsal spaces. All of our host churches have open campuses and students must be with a parent or guardian when not in rehearsal. Please be on time to pick up your child. Instructors will not remain on campus waiting for late rides to arrive.
  • If students wish to remain after rehearsals for brief fellowshipping, this is allowed provided an adult is present. Instructors will not be supervising these students.

HEALTH POLICY: If you, your child, or another family member displays a fever within the 24 hour period leading up to the day of class, please stay home.

  • If any student or family member is running a fever, do not enter the church property…please stay home.
  • If a student becomes feverish while at rehearsal, an Administrator or staff member will notify the parent and ask that the student leave the premises.
  • Everyone is encouraged to wash hands frequently and continue to practice good hygiene throughout the rehearsal.


  • In the event that a child needs to be picked up early for a family emergency, please check in with the parent volunteer at the check-in table to let us know of the early departure.
  • In the event that an evacuation may take place from WPC, Tuesday students/staff will meet in the lower parking lot and Thursday students/staff will meet at the far end of the playground.

If any student or family member is running a fever, do not enter the church property…please stay home.

Facility Care

The atmosphere of our music program must be one of order, discipline, and cooperation. No running or roughhousing will be permitted. Please remember we are guests at all of the churches that PMA uses for various occasions. They have been very generous to allow us to use their facilities. We must be respectful to the property and any church members or guests using the facility. Let’s work together to leave the buildings and the grounds in the same condition that we found them in.

WPC would like for PMA members to only use the designated bathrooms on the same floor as rehearsals. Please leave bathrooms in better condition than anyone expects. Additionally:

  • Respect the property and the staff by staying in designated rehearsal areas only
    • Students are allowed on WPC campus only during scheduled rehearsal and performances.
    • Non-PMA students/adults are not welcome on WPC campus during rehearsals unless invited by a director/instructor.
    • On Thursdays, PMA students are only allowed to utilize the lower level of Westminster Hall.
    • On Tuesdays, PMA students are only allowed to utilize the lower level of Westminster sanctuary building unless a director accompanies students into sanctuary.
  • No students or children are to be unattended. PMA members may be checked in and dropped off, but other siblings (except for High School age) will not be allowed to remain without a parent.
  • Waiting parents and siblings are not allowed in the rehearsal areas. You may study or play quietly in approved classrooms (please ask a staff member or parent volunteer). No food or drinks allowed in this area. However, students are allowed to bring a covered water bottle to rehearsal if needed.
  • Due to the high volume of students and the rapid change between classes, PMA teachers and staff must be focused on changing and resetting classes and materials in preparation for the next group. Their job is to control the classroom environment and cannot/will not be responsible for students once the class period is completed. Parents are ultimately in charge of their children and will be responsible for their care and oversight before and after class time.
  • Families are allowed to use the recreation facilities outdoors, but a parent must be outside with their own children. Treat play equipment with respect and pick up any trash.
  • Any and all activity outside on the Church grounds will be at your own risk.
  • Young children must be escorted to the bathrooms.
  • Do not touch or use instruments or sound equipment belonging to the church. No one is allowed on any stage without a director present.
  • There is zero tolerance for any alcohol, drug-related/smoking substance, or bullying.


Dress Code

Everyone (including family members of students) must be properly dressed at PMA activities. Midriff/cropped tops; t-shirts with inappropriate writing/pictures; undergarments that show; very short shorts and miniskirts; spaghetti straps; jeggins/leggings/yoga pants without the rear-end covered; tank tops; and low/plunging necklines are not permitted. Students will be dismissed from a practice or performance if wearing inappropriate clothing.



Early Strings, Intermediate Strings, Beginning Band, Intermediate Band, Concert Band:

  • Girls wear a white long sleeve blouse, full length black skirt or black dress pants, and black dress shoes.
  • Boys wear a white long-sleeve dress shirt, black dress pants, and black dress shoes.

Chamber Strings, Symphonic Band, & Jazz Band:

  • Girls wear either a full length black dress or black blouse with full length black skirt or black dress pants, and black dress shoes.
  • Boys wear black dress pants, long-sleeve black button down shirt, and black dress shoes.


Elementary Choir:

  • Girls will wear a full length black skirt, long sleeve white blouse, a uniformed red vest, and black dress shoes.
  • Boys will wear long black dress pants, long sleeve white button-down collared shirt, a uniformed red vest, and black dress shoes.

Middle School and High School choir:

  • Girls will wear a uniformed full length black concert dress with black dress shoes.
  • Boys will wear black dress pants, a white collared long-sleeve dress shirt, a uniformed black vest, black bow tie, and black dress shoes.

[Uniformed items will be ordered from a special vendor. Please wait until the VOC parents’ meeting for additional guidance in this area.]

Fees & Payments

Family Registration $50 annual fee per family

This non-refundable fee is paid upon registration. Families that register in the Fall do not need to register again in the Spring.

Tuition (per student, per semester):

  • Primary Ensembles (BOC/SOC/VOC): $150/semester per student (14 wks)
  • UNAM, Handbell Choir, Music Theory: $100/semester (14 wks)
  • Jazz Band: $50/semester (7 weeks)
  • Private String Lessons (10 wks) + Group sessions (4 wks): $290/semester
  • Private Bass Lessons (Dbl Bass or Electric Bass): $260/semester (8 weeks)
  • Private Piano Lessons: $440/semester (14 wks)
  • Private Voice lessons: $440 /semester (14 wks)
  • Private Summer Lessons: $32/ 30 minute lesson, per student
    • Registration and the annual family registration fee ($50) for the next school year must be paid before students can take private summer lessons.

PMA classes run for a full school year and the academy operates on a two semester system (fall and spring). Tuition is paid per semester for each student that participates in an ensemble or class.

** Tuition is due by the first class of each semester.

Due to the financial obligations of PMA, it is necessary to have all tuition paid in full at the beginning of the semester. After the due date, a late fee of $20 will be applied to all unpaid tuition balances if an arrangement has not been made in advance.

If paying a lump sum for tuition presents a hardship for your family, especially those with multiple children in the program, please let us know. We are open to monthly payment arrangements on a case-by-case basis for those who would not be able to join PMA otherwise. (office@piedmont-music.com)

TUITION DISCOUNTS for Primary Ensembles:

Again, we would like all children to participate in our music academy. We will provide discounts for multiple children participating in primary ensembles within the same family.

Tuition will be adjusted as follows:

Child #1 – $150/semester, per child/class

Child #2 – $125/semester, per child/class

Child #3 and beyond – $100/semester, per child/class

(Discounts do not apply to Private Lessons, UNAM, Handbell Choir, Music Theory, and Jazz Band.)

** ALL PMA FAMILIES ARE REQUIRED TO GIVE OF THEIR TIME IN “PARENT WATCH” DURING REHEARSALS. This entails being a hall monitor for ONE block of time per year (1 – 2 hours). A Sign-up Genius link will be sent shortly after registration. **

– Registration is non-refundable
– No refunds for tuition
– No pro-rating of tuition

** All special circumstances will be discussed by the board.

Refunds will not be given to those choosing to leave the program after the first rehearsal.

Inclement Weather

For cases of inclement weather/natural disaster/pandemic, etc., PMA Directors will follow the actions of the area public schools. If Rock Hill School District closes for bad weather, PMA will be closed. We do not make up these days.

A PMA Administrator will send an email to notify all PMA families of our plan by 10 a.m. of the day in question. Please be sure to check your email before departing.


Piedmont Music Academy occasionally takes pictures and video of students in classes, rehearsals, and performances to be used for educational and promotional purposes, including our website.

Please be sure to let us know on your registration form whether or not we have permission to include your child(ren) in these photos/videos. Thank you.

Handbook Acknowledgement and Waiver and Release of Liability

Piedmont Music Academy (2024-2025)

Dear PMA Family,

Thank you for enrolling your child(ren) in Piedmont Music Academy! We are very excited about our new year and look forward to working with your children in the fine art of music. Additionally, thank you for taking the time to read our 2024-2025 Handbook.

Please remember to complete the online Waiver and Release of Liability form. This is required before your child can participate in the program.