VOC Directors & Staff !

Darcy Ryerson (HS. Director – The Notables)

Kelly Bowker (Accompanist)

Claire Incorvati (MS. Director – Good Vibrations)

Rhian Schultz (Student Accompanist)

Eirik Shevy (ES Director)

Suzanne Jewett (Handbell Choir)

Rebecca Jensen (Accompanist)

Janet Wheeler (VOC Administrator)


Elementary Choir: 2:30 – 3:30 p.m.

  • Students in grades 3 – 5 are encouraged to participate in this youngest primary vocal ensemble. Students will begin learning proper vocal techniques, sight-reading skills, theory, and the practice of working as a team to reach a common goal. Music selections may include historically sacred music, traditional folk, or also modern Broadway, jazz, or pop numbers. Students will gain experience in unison singing as well as two-part singing.

Middle School Choir (Good Vibrations): 1:00 – 2:15 p.m.

  • Students in grades 6 – 8 are welcome in this choir of hard workers. This primary vocal ensemble has proven to be a group of young people who concentrate during rehearsal and apply great effort to improve their vocal technique and listening skills. Music-reading and sight-singing continue to receive attention, and students apply their knowledge to the singing of two-part and also three-part choral songs in many musical styles.

High School Choir (The Notables): 2:30 – 4:00 P.M.

  • Experienced 9 -12th grade students in this primary vocal ensemble focus their energy and enthusiasm toward applying their acquired vocal techniques to the singing of more advanced and varied literature. Four-part singing requires added concentration and listening skills in order to make lovely music. Sight-reading and theory understanding are increasing in importance at this level. Students continue to hone their vocal skills and musicianship in this choir.

Unaccompanied Minors “UNAM” (audition only): Thursdays, 2:15 – 3:45 p.m.

  • After singing in the Voices of Carolina for at least one year, students in grades 9-12 may audition for this advanced group. Students are expected to show competency in sight-reading skills; demonstrate confident, independent singing; and make contributions to a unified sound as a team.
  • Simultaneous participation in The Notables required.

Handbell Choir: TUESDAYS, 1 – 2:15 p.m.

  • VOC’s Handbell Choir members each make valuable and necessary contributions to the ensemble as a whole, and as such, must make every effort to be present at all rehearsals. Students strive to work as a cohesive group, all the while learning how each bell part interacts with every other part and becoming acquainted with a variety of ringing techniques.
  • The choir will perform in two concerts each school year: the VOC Christmas and Spring Concerts. Weekly rehearsals will take place at WPC in the PMA music wing on Tuesdays.
  • Members must be in 8th grade or higher; have previously participated in a PMA ensemble for at least a full semester; and must be able to read music proficiently. Interested new students must contact the director before registration in order to determine placement.

NEW CLASSES 2024-2025

Skills for Singing [Tuesdays]

  • Primary Skills for Singing (1st – 2nd grade)
  • Elementary Skills for Singing (3rd – 5th grade)
  • Secondary Skills for Singing (6 – 12th grade)

  • Primary Skills for Singing is designed to help prepare young students who enjoy singing for later choral experience in an age-appropriate setting.
  • Elementary and Secondary Skills for Singing classes are designed to complement the instruction students are receiving in their choir classes; as such, students must be co-enrolled in VOC choir in order to participate in these classes.
  • All levels will use the Full Voice workbook series; each student will be assessed a $20 materials fee for the year to cover the cost of their workbook and additional materials as needed.
  • Cap: 12 students