Course Descriptions

Classes are 50 minutes in length.

(Classes do not meet on Concert Day.)

General Music w/Recorder

Thursdays 12:30 – 1:20 p.m.
Instructor: Ms. Annesha Dib

  • 3rd – 7th graders
  • For younger students interested in learning the basics of Music: notation, rhythm, Italian terms, expressive markings, and more.
  • Students have had very little or no previous experience with music.
  • A variety of music games are incorporated into the learning process as a fun way to learn and review the basics.
  • Students will learn recorder and incorporate concepts learned in class.
  • Each student will need to purchase a recorder.
  • Beginning Band students are welcome to take this class.

Minimum of 6 students

Music and Culture

Thursdays 2:30 – 3:20pm
Instructor: Ms. Melinda Boyle

  • 8th – 12th graders
  • This general music course focuses on the studies of musicology, music philosophy, and the theory of music across cultures worldwide from a Christian perspective.

  • Students learn to compose, perform, analyze, and appreciate music through different perspectives and discussions.
  • Examples of the lessons presented are: Sound and Silence, Music Around the World, Music and Entertainment, Musical Theater, Music and the Brain, Theory and Composition, and more.
  • The content will enable students to engage in genuine creativity while learning music.
  • One high school credit may be earned if readings, homework, and projects are completed.

Minimum of 6 students

Garage Band Theory

Thursdays 3 – 3:50 p.m.
Instructor: Ms. Annesha Dib

  • 8th – 12th graders
  • This class is intended for high school students who have an advanced knowledge of various musical concepts and can read musical notation proficiently.
  • This fast paced class will cover music theory concepts more in depth such as advanced rhythmic notation, key signatures, scales, intervals, chord structure, jazz music theory, and modes.
  • Learn the vocabulary of music and recognize patterns to bridge the gap between reading music on the page and playing by ear.
  • Sharpen your music reading skills by recognizing chords, scales, key signatures and patterns in printed sheet music.
  • Students who wish to improvise using chord charts, jam with others and serve on worship teams will benefit from the weekly listening assignments and connecting theory concepts to their real instruments.
  • The book Garage Band Theory by Duke Sharp will be utilized through the class and will serve as a practical reference for many years to come; Each student will need to purchase the required workbook.
  • One high school credit may be earned if readings, homework, and projects are completed.
Minimum of 6 students
Cap: 12 students

Choir General Music classes…

Primary Skills for Singing

[Tuesdays – Ms. Incorvati]


2:30 – 3:20 p.m.


Primary Skills for Singing (1st – 2nd grade) is designed to help prepare young students who enjoy singing for later choral experience in an age-appropriate setting.

minimum of 6 students

– All levels will include vocal technique, solfege exercises, ear training, rhythm reading, sight singing, and theory.

– All students will use the Full Voice workbook series; each student will need to purchase the required book.

Elementary Skills for Singing

[Tuesdays – Ms. Incorvati]


3:30 – 4:20 p.m.



Elementary (3rd – 5th gr.) Skills for Singing classes are designed to complement the instruction students are receiving in their choir classes; as such, students must be co-enrolled in VOC choir in order to participate in these classes.

minimum of 6 students

– All levels will include vocal technique, solfege exercises, ear training, rhythm reading, sight singing, and theory.

– All students will use the Full Voice workbook series; each student will need to purchase the required book.

Secondary Skills for Singing

[Tuesdays – Ms. Incorvati]

12 – 12:50 p.m.

Secondary (6th – 12th gr.) Skills for Singing classes are designed to complement the instruction students are receiving in their choir classes; as such, students must be co-enrolled in VOC choir in order to participate in these classes.

minimum of 6 students

– All levels will include vocal technique, solfege exercises, ear training, rhythm reading, sight singing, and theory.

– All students will use the Full Voice workbook series; each student will need to purchase the required book.